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  1. PlayStation Karma train! Woop woop!

    So this weekend, since I'm living in closer proximity to what I've been told is my 'family', (we know Vox is home!), I was tasked with cleaning out some of the old stuff in the attic/house that I grew up in long long ago. I strangely found that I had no problem throwing out any of the shit I had growing up, with the exception of my ninja turtle action figure (some still in box!) collection and this karma train I dug out of my closet!

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  2. For every stupid action...there's an equally stupid response

    I'm often amazed at the small little quips in life that kind of keep you moving forward. Even when things are systematically difficult in terms of society and general life there always seem to be those little moments that make you pause and realize, "Hey, this space in time ain't so bad after all". I had a moment like this today I'd like to share.

    Generally I'm a shy person, or socially anxious but we aren't here to split hairs. When I'm alone or a midst a few friends I ...
  3. Dougall, self proclaimed "Brew Aficionado" brings to you the brew review!

    Hello all! I'm here on a very important mission today, to spread the word on beer! I'm a big beer fan and about twice a year (Fourth of July and Christmas come to mind) my closest relative sibling and I visit our local beer and wine store, pick up about a dozen different brews just to try something new, and give them a tasting. Now I don't claim to be an expert by any means, I personally find the idea of a beer sommelier crazy. My train of thought is try something new and drink what you like. The ...
  4. Dougall's dinnertime adventure time. Chapter 1: Chicken and Dumplings

    I might be missing a few steps here but I didn't get this idea til halfway through making my dinner.

    Cooking the mother*ucking chicken! Boneless chicken thighs, I de-boned my own thighs to save a few cents but I'm a pro at about only 5 minutes to de-bone 6 thighs, but if your rich buy them bitches boneless! Sear them in olive oil then add a little fresh lemon juice and pepper. I then added some cabbage and bit of vinegar, not much maybe a teaspoon, for some tart along with some garlic ...
  5. Random thoughts #1

    Sometimes I have random thoughts

    I heard some Tupac today and I wondered if Caucasian rappers in Africa write songs about being oppressed by the ethnic majority. Speaking of, how is the majority in one country defined if that cultural group is the minority in another country? Do we just assume majority and minority based on the country? That sounds racist to me. Did I just accuse myself of being a racist? Because now I'm coping in my brain and looking for reasons why I'm not racist. ...