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Thread: I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning and Two Lights in the Darkness Complete!

  1. #1

    Default I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning and Two Lights in the Darkness Complete!

    More achievement fun has led to a couple more exciting defeats of I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning ( and Two Lights in the Darkness (!

    Admittedly, the 3.2 nerfs to General Vezax hard mode made things much easier and this kill likely would've taken us another week had the nerfs not been put in, but all the same, it's a really interesting fight mechanically and left us teetering on mana, praying for the RNG Gods to shine on our tank avoidance streaks.

    Two Lights is a different story. We opted to try using Freya and Thorim and in hindsight, we should've probably gone with Mimiron and Thorim, as the increased cast time from small tentacles in Phase 2 is a huge increase in dispel requirements and just random raid damage for top-side members. Even so, after about an hour of attempts we got into the groove and pushed into Phase 3 with everyone alive and of course from there it was a walk in the park.

    One Light soon!

  2. #2


    I'm not sure if Thorim is THAT necessary(though admittedly Mimiron and Hodir are definitely out for 1 light)

    if what I've read on the adds is true, they do less damage as their health is reduced, so if we lose Thorim (and keep Freya to avoid people going insane from Yogg being gay with skulls placement in the brain room or him focusing on one person only) then the change to our tactic would be to have either me or Khrash taunt the add that is marked to be healed far away from the rest of the adds/Yogg( the comment here include a basic, but helpful, macro for the person on the job

    though I guess if we can survive to phase 3 without risking it, then Thorim is probably better
    Last edited by Rofldat; 08-11-2009 at 03:13 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Damn I am glad I am not the only one.

  5. #5
    Allowed Visitor Kyrudun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rofldat View Post
    I'm not sure if Thorim is THAT necessary(though admittedly Mimiron and Hodir are definitely out for 1 light)

    if what I've read on the adds is true, they do less damage as their health is reduced, so if we lose Thorim (and keep Freya to avoid people going insane from Yogg being gay with skulls placement in the brain room or him focusing on one person only) then the change to our tactic would be to have either me or Khrash taunt the add that is marked to be healed far away from the rest of the adds/Yogg( the comment here include a basic, but helpful, macro for the person on the job

    though I guess if we can survive to phase 3 without risking it, then Thorim is probably better
    If you can do it without Thorim, you may as well do Alone in the Darkness. Dealing with the adds completely changes the fight and requires flawless execution on behalf of the tank (Kulldam?) and FoK rogue (Kinzie?). You can also get two empowering shadows which basically results in a wipe to awesome RNG. Its fun but it would probably take you a while longer to learn if you dropped Freya instead of Thorim.

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