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Thread: Dragon Soul Guides

  1. #11

  2. #12


    Hello Kulldam,

    I was checking out your Morchok video and was wondering what addons you where using.


  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by philcollins View Post
    Hello Kulldam,

    I was checking out your Morchok video and was wondering what addons you where using.

    Unfortunately it's too long of a list to really go through now. I've had enough requests that I'll try to put together a brief list/info guide on it in the near future though.

  4. #14

  5. #15

  6. #16

  7. #17

  8. #18


    Thank you for your superb observations on the Spine mechanics. Gonna refine our strategy accordingly :-)
    Luckily our raid is kinda good at surviving the True Belonging cast, so that's not such a big issue - the biggest one so far was either me (Prot Warri Blood Tank) getting ripped to shreds when tanking the blood (didn't try to kill them, was just tanking them... resulting in about 30 of them hitting me on the second platform - already figured that's a bad idea) or our healers/eleshamans dying to blood when I tried kiting them around cause I was unable to pick them all up in a timely fashion.
    I assume with 40% DR due to BoN it's not required to kite the blood around that much, so we're definitely gonna try that one out :-)
    Thanks again for your studies... gonna have a lot of fun with that fight tomorrow... (stressful fight as the blood tank as you might agree^^)

  9. #19

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