So during cata I briefly tried making guide videos(did not work as I envisioned), however I still wanted to make videos so for mop after updating fraps and such I have decided to continue releasing raid videos except not with guides but Mumble recordings(since I my new fraps has a PTT option for my headset). Anyways I will be updating this with all my new videos(Challenge Modes + Raids), I'm still undecided if I will try actual guide videos, but was contemplating more of a written guide area on our wiki to go along with the mumble videos, we shall see. If any of you decide to watch these I hope you enjoy.
p.s. sorry my mic is fuzzy as fuck
Challenge Modes
Silver Gate of the Setting Sun
Deph(Brewmaster), Kulldar(Mistweaver),Tree(Balance), Kilwenn(Fire), Harkle(Affliction)
Silver Temple of the Jade Serpent
Deph(Brewmaster), Kulldar(Mistweaver),Tree(Balance), Kilwenn(Fire), Harkle(Affliction)
Silver Siege of Niuzao
Deph(Brewmaster), Kulldar(Mistweaver),Tree(Balance), Kilwenn(Fire), Harkle(Affliction)
Mogu'shun Vaults
The Stone Guard
Feng the Accursed
Gara'Jal the Spiritbinder
The Spirit Kings
Will of the Emperor
Mogu'shun Vaults Heroic
The Stone Guard
Feng the Accursed
Gara'Jal the Spiritbinder
The Spirit Kings
Will of the Emperor