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Thread: WoD Garrison and Profession Guide

  1. #11
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    Wow that guide is obsessed with the trading post . Trading post is only helpful when you have excess Garrison Resources (hint, shouldn't be for a LONG TIME) and none of the materials you can obtain from it are unique (like inn/barn functionality). Lots of these decisions come down to judgement.

    I appreciate the idea but I really just wanted to keep it in house. I don't think I'd be to respond to the questions/criticisms from a potentially larger audience.

  2. #12

  3. #13


    I have a few questions/comments.

    1) I am pretty sure I read this correctly. But we CAN use our Profession CD and Building CD once daily to produce 2 of whatever item those CDs yield. Correct?

    2) Under the building section you posted a graph. Are you saying that's the order you personally are looking to approach developing your garrison/building selection?

    3) This is a multi faceted question that you may or may not be able to answer. I'm currently Alch/Enc on my Priest. I'm contemplating dropping Enc for Tailoring. With that being said, will I be able to; a. Sufficiently level my Alchemy with the herbs provided from the Garrisons -- until I can get an alt with herb/mining in place? b. I know I've read about catch up mechanics, will the garrisons help me if I wait until WoD to begin leveling tailoring?

    Lastly a comment/thought. Reading through your post I was constantly thinking this all seems very similar to a lot of the popular mobile games (as you eluded to) that can be played without spending a penny, however, they all have some sort of micro transactions to speed things up. *puts on tin foil hat* Blizzard would never dream of introducing micro transactions if professions provided a combat bonus. Wonder if this is a testing grounds for such a feature?

    Thanks again Taka.

  4. #14


    Excellent write-up, Taka!

    @Vikrum, for your first question, a level 3 profession building plus your daily CD will give you 15 of those items daily.

  5. #15
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    Here's an additional table that I excluded accidentally on those BOP materials and their costs. You'll notice that the costs for obtaining them via the profession and via the garrison building are a little different:

    No code has to be inserted here.

    It's important to note that this has some assumptions built into it. The cost to generate an Alchemical Crystal via the profession is actually 20 Frostweed and 10 Blackrock Ore - Blizzard is implementing a new system in tradeskills where the skill doesn't limit what you can make but rather how "well" you do at making it. The first phase of this implementation is that the gating for recipes in WoD is via "Trade Secrets" which are a different daily cooldown that you can trade in for the recipes sold by your profession building. Some professions already worked like this to an extent, like the Scroll of Wisdom for Scribes in MoP generated a new recipe each day. Any purchased recipe can be used at any skill level and you can make the product. For many products skill just just irrelevant - but for others like these daily production materials more skills = more output. So at level 1 alchemy your 20 Frostweed and 10 Blackrock Ore might make 1 Alchemical Catalyst but at max level it will make 10. This is particularly important for Cooking where that whole set of BOA items from Halfhill can be used to give you a nice little boost to make larger portions of things. Your profession cooldown will store 3 "charges" and each charge takes 24 hours to regenerate in sequence (just like the stored charges on Roll).

    Garrison production happens through Work Orders which I glossed over earlier. Each building can be used to queue up 7 work orders per upgrade level and each work order takes 4 hours of real time to complete in sequence. This means that you can dump 105 Frostweed into your Alchemy building and then 3.5 days later all 21 Alchemical Catalyts will be available. Of course you can pick up a completed order at any time and also queue up more things in the empty slots. Basically this just means that at lower upgrade levels of a building you have to visit the building more frequently to keep production up. There is an additional small building called a "Storehouse" which gives additional work order capacity but that doesn't actually change the total output, just gives you an even wider window to queue up a bunch of stuff and then come back later so it's definitely a waste of space. Our Profession Boosting Follower comes into play here as well because their presence can cause the Garrison to increase the output from the workorders (so instead of 1 per WO you might/will get 2). Assigning a follower is only available at the second level upgrade, but as I put in my original post you should be able to gather them ahead of that for the majority of professions.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by CharmCityGaming View Post
    Excellent write-up, Taka!

    @Vikrum, for your first question, a level 3 profession building plus your daily CD will give you 15 of those items daily.
    Thanks for the reply. I guess I worded it poorly. What I was asking is are you capable of using both cds in the same day. Regardless of the output.

    Like I said I'm fairly certain you can, just curious.

  7. #17
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum
    1) I am pretty sure I read this correctly. But we CAN use our Profession CD and Building CD once daily to produce 2 of whatever item those CDs yield. Correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum
    2) Under the building section you posted a graph. Are you saying that's the order you personally are looking to approach developing your garrison/building selection?
    Yep! This is my opinion about what the most the most effective set of buildings are in order by default for the purposes of maximizing both profession output (Barn) as well as the "Followers and Missions" game (Barracks, War Mill, Salvage Yard, Inn). You could absolutely make different choices for buildings and as I mentioned for the sake of completion of achievements/mounts/toys etc I will be personally working through all of the buildings on one character or another of my small army but the initial configuration will most likely match these for the most part. Once you have developed your perfect team of followers and they're all fully leveled and geared you'll no longer need the Salvage Yard, War Mill, or Inn and can definitely destroy them and build something else. From there, if you have no interest in the fur/leather/meat/blood produced by the bar (or don't have the time to devote to the actual trapping to collect it) then that could easily be replaced by something else. As you saw in that other guide post - plenty of people are fans of the Trading Post and Lumber Mill as very common other choices.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum
    3) This is a multi faceted question that you may or may not be able to answer. I'm currently Alch/Enc on my Priest. I'm contemplating dropping Enc for Tailoring. With that being said, will I be able to; a. Sufficiently level my Alchemy with the herbs provided from the Garrisons -- until I can get an alt with herb/mining in place? b. I know I've read about catch up mechanics, will the garrisons help me if I wait until WoD to begin leveling tailoring?
    Yes, a single alchemist should do pretty well with the materials provided by the Herb Garden and Mine and neither Ench or Tailoring will really conflict with the profession materials (at least not in the way that someone who was Alch/Insc would struggle to keep up on herbs on their own) - particularly when they're boosted to level 2 and given a Profession Booster. In the case of the Herb Garden the follower will allow you to choose which specific herb you'd like them to grow and increase the yield so you can produce only the frostweed needed. It wont cover 100% of the materials needed for full production, but it'll certainly help. Instead of working on levelling the professions of a dedicated herb/miner, and going out in to the open world to gather, I'd recommend starting by just getting that character to 90 now and learn level 1 of their professions. Then level them to 96 as soon as you can in WoD to open their mine and herb garden. Their own profession will greatly increase the yield and it *should be* much faster to just log on that alt each day, harvest, and send the materials to your production characters. They'll gain skill while doing that too and when you have spare time or are really bored and want to increase your caches you can head out into the open world as needed.

    The catch-up mechanics are absolutely there as I mentioned in the post above about the way "skill" works now - but I'd say you're better off not relying on it as much as possible for production professions because it will make your yield on the critical time gated mats much lower. There is an additional catch-up mechanic in that you will find profession boosting items dropped by mobs that can be combined with related materials to give a small boost in skill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum
    Lastly a comment/thought. Reading through your post I was constantly thinking this all seems very similar to a lot of the popular mobile games (as you eluded to) that can be played without spending a penny, however, they all have some sort of micro transactions to speed things up. *puts on tin foil hat* Blizzard would never dream of introducing micro transactions if professions provided a combat bonus. Wonder if this is a testing grounds for such a feature?
    Definitely not. I really think their primary focus is to put the majority of the market power back in the hands of the producers by adding artificial scarcity via these timed cooldowns. Previously the markets were dominated by gatherers (mostly bots) and re-sellers who would buy an unfinished product and modify it (or in some cases a finished one) and try to make gold on that margin. The capacity to do that infinitely is now gone, at least in terms of these profession products. The version of this from MoP did include the ability to expend additional items to get around the daily cooldown (Spirits of Harmony or Spirits of War for example) but there are no such items in WoD and I don't think they'll add them - at least not until the next tier of content.

  8. #18


    Have you done or have you seen a reasonable estimate of how long it will before we are able to produce our first piece of crafted gear? (Particularly with the associated profession and garrison building, but I guess without the profession as well) Wowhead's profession guide has the 640s costing 100 of the BoP crafting material and the 655 upgrade costing another 150 plus 15 of what I assume is the Barn produced material. (Savage Blood)
    Last edited by Boggyb; 11-03-2014 at 01:03 AM.

  9. #19


    This thread has me so pumped for WoD. I envision my little sweat shop churning out tons of ore/flowers. I hope there is an addon to mimic some of the Orc Peon responses from Warcraft.

    Personally my plan is to get to 100 asap on Priest. I took Thurs/Friday off. I intend to make use of all the Garrison stuff on the way. I'll go Tailoring/Alchemy to get those pumping. Once he's 100, depending on how many others are 100, I will hop over to my Druid (who is going to be herb/miner) get him to 92 for the mine which will be boosted since he'll already be a miner.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    Question 5: Help! Garrison Resources are gating me! Shouldn’t I have built a lumber mill?!
    One really important resource is the world treasures map vendor in Ashran. Once you’ve completed all of the main storyline quests in a zone you can purchase an item from this vendor (the archaeology vendor) to reveal all outdoor treasures on your map for an easy swing around to collect them all. From there, completing the X Zone Monster Hunter achievement will guarantee that you’ve killed all the vignette mobs in each zone and collected all of their related Garrison Resources.
    I assume NPCscan/overlay will have the vignette mobs, but if someone finds an add-on that tracks your treasure progress and can place Tomtom waypoints for the ones you haven't found (similar to how Lost Treasure Check worked), that would be very helpful. Since we aren't going to have flying, having to go back around a zone to collect them would be significantly less convenient than just grabbing things while questing nearby. I suppose I could have wowhead up and tab out repeatedly, but that's only marginally better.

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