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Thread: WoD Garrison and Profession Guide

  1. #21
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    Have you done or have you seen a reasonable estimate of how long it will before we are able to produce our first piece of crafted gear? (Particularly with the associated profession and garrison building, but I guess without the profession as well) Wowhead's profession guide has the 640s costing 100 of the BoP crafting material and the 655 upgrade costing another 150 plus 15 of what I assume is the Barn produced material. (Savage Blood)
    You need to make an original item and then two upgrade components (a normal one and then a greater one). The gating materials on this total out to be 450 Truesteel Ingots and 30 Savage Blood. If we assume that we are fully funding our character's Truesteel Ingot CD @ skill 700 as well as our building work orders we'd be generating 16 per day + and initial burst of 20 from the CD's stored charges. This is 27 days worth of CDs. I understand that the profession boosting follower will increase the yield of work orders but I don't know the exact value. For some reason I have double production either 50% (19 total) or 100% (22 total) of the time. In those cases it would be 23 or 20 days respectively. The bloods will most likely not be a gating factor depending on their drop rate from the Barn work orders but the only comment I found on it was 1 per even with a booster so 6 per day for a total of 5 days.

    From our raid schedule we'll only have had an opportunity to clear Heroic Highmaul 2x by day 27 and depending on how long it took you to get your production into full swing you'll have made at least 1 crafted item by this point. Heroic Highmaul gear is comparable in ilevel to the crafted stuff (670 from the raid 665 from the crafted armor) so depending on the piece it will likely stay relevant as long as we don't get overloaded with pieces in the same slot for the plate users. I'd recommend researching a piece that has a less common copy occurrence, a slot with absolutely terrible secondary stat options (because these can be rerolled on crafted gear), or a slot that drops later in mythic to avoid immediate replacement.

    Wowhead's default loot list for the whole zone is bullshit - there will be gear for all slots according to the in-game dungeon journal.

    If you have a non-blacksmith alt with a blacksmith building they can produce the base item in tandem to shave time off. Only a profession character can make the upgrade pieces.
    Last edited by Takaoni; 11-04-2014 at 12:13 AM. Reason: Fuck you wowhead. Die.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    I just did a quick glance at this an noticed immediately that there is no strength trinket in Highmaul for non-tanks which is quite conspicuous.
    Tectus's Beating Heart
    Bottle of Infesting Spores

    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    Outside of tier items (which I assume there are some but don't see any on the loot list for the zone) there only seems to be a plate chest/helm/shoulder/wrist. Perhaps this crafted gear will be more critical than I first thought.
    If Wowhead is to be believed, there is no tier in Highmaul. It is all saved for Blackrock.

  3. #23


    I would use the in-game loot list as that is entirely accurate, if you weren't already doing that.

  4. #24


    If you have a non-blacksmith alt with a blacksmith building they can produce the base item in tandem to shave time off. Only a profession character can make the upgrade pieces.
    So if I'm understanding this right, if you intend on using 3 pieces of crafted gear, the ideal situation would be to use 1 level 100 alt to make the base item on, mail it to your crafter, and then upgrade the piece twice on your crafter? You spend 100 on your non-crafting alt to make the base item, and then spend 350 on your crafting character to upgrade it twice. While your spending time collecting/upgrading, you're already working on crafting the 2nd and 3rd original items on your non-crafting alts. This would save you from spending 300 ingots on your crafting character that would be wasted by crafting the normal item, cutting out 15 days (20/day) altogether from crafting all 3 pieces?

    Professions are so unknown, this kind of thinking is what I've been looking for.

  5. #25
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    All the products are BOE and can be used by anyone so there's no need to send them back to the blacksmith, but yes. Really we can take it one step further: the absolute fastest production would require 3 characters, each working on their own product. Two of them need to have the profession themselves and are making the two upgrade pieces in tandem and the third can just have the profession building to make the base piece. That would mean that the gating item would be the 200 Truesteel Ingots on the Greater upgrade item (so 8 or 10 days).

    ALTS AHOY!!!!!

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    All the products are BOE and can be used by anyone so there's no need to send them back to the blacksmith, but yes. Really we can take it one step further: the absolute fastest production would require 3 characters, each working on their own product. Two of them need to have the profession themselves and are making the two upgrade pieces in tandem and the third can just have the profession building to make the base piece. That would mean that the gating item would be the 200 Truesteel Ingots on the Greater upgrade item (so 8 or 10 days).

    ALTS AHOY!!!!!
    I suspect this is the reason you plan to have 3 Blacksmiths?

    Gah! I need more tailors!

  7. #27
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    That was not the original plan for the 3 blacksmiths but I'm definitely going to take advantage of it. I've selected my 3 crafted pieces based on where they are going to drop in Highmaul and whether or not they have Crit as one of the secondaries and all of them are from a different profession (BS/JC/Tailoring) so I'll be able to crank them out quickly assuming that I get production going quickly.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    That was not the original plan for the 3 blacksmiths but I'm definitely going to take advantage of it. I've selected my 3 crafted pieces based on where they are going to drop in Highmaul and whether or not they have Crit as one of the secondaries and all of them are from a different profession (BS/JC/Tailoring) so I'll be able to crank them out quickly assuming that I get production going quickly.
    I hate garrisons EDIT: a lot

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Klik View Post
    I hate garrisons EDIT: a lot
    You pansy!

    I think they sound very exciting and interesting (though only time will tell if they REMAIN interesting 1, 3, or 12 months in...)

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Klik View Post
    I hate garrisons EDIT: a lot
    That the upgrades are not BoP somewhat annoys me as it makes me feel like I'm obligated to level up an alt as quickly as possible so as to be able to get my 3 pieces of crafted gear as soon as possible.

    Incidentally, I wonder if we might want to create a chart or thread on what people are crafting so we don't end up with all the plate wearers crafting shoulders (Both Taka and I were planning on that slot) or something.
    For reference, I was probably going to do Plate Shoulders, a Ring, and maybe a trinket on an alt if I can be bothered.

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