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Thread: Highmaul Strategy Notepod

  1. #21
    Grand Cocuntspirator of the Order XLIX Nephani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum View Post
    I guess it depends on how your define Priest shields. But I assume PW:S & Clarity of Will make no difference on the damage to the player? I wouldn't classify either as real immunities or damage reduction is the reason I ask.
    Even if it did a PW:S is not going to make the player able to survive 1.5m damage. If it does affect the damage taken, the debuff for another shield wouldn't ( i assume) be up for every energy ball, so the tiny amount of absorption won't be enough to allow the player with the barrier to soak an extra energy ball over the course of their barrier lifespan, so its probably irrelevant to use on the soaking player.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Nephani View Post
    Even if it did a PW:S is not going to make the player able to survive 1.5m damage.
    Hrm, that's not what I was implying at all, nor was I under that impression. The goal is to have a player to stand in that as long as possible, yes? If that's the case PW:S and more so CoW would go a long ways towards keeping a player in there. IF they even work at all.

    -edit- I see your edited your post. CoW doesn't trigger Weakened Soul and in our (I saw our because CoW is based on the person I shield's life total)lower gear levels I could easily reach 90k absorbs with CoW alone.

  3. #23


    They should work, I believe shields are damage absorption not damage reduction. So putting shields on the target before they enter would give some extra healing before the healing reduction kicks in. But from the amount of damage it seems the person will be taking I don't think it will make that much of a difference and they will need to be spam healed anyway.

  4. #24
    Grand Cocuntspirator of the Order XLIX Nephani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum View Post
    Hrm, that's not what I was implying at all, nor was I under that impression. The goal is to have a player to stand in that as long as possible, yes? If that's the case PW:S and more so CoW would go a long ways towards keeping a player in there. IF they even work at all.

    -edit- I see your edited your post. CoW doesn't trigger Weakened Soul and in our (I saw our because CoW is based on the person I shield's life total)lower gear levels I could easily reach 90k absorbs with CoW alone.
    I'm not sure i understand what you're referring to then, the 1.5m unmitigated damage is from the impact of the falling energy ball, its all one big instant damage from one source, not the damage over time from standing in the barrier. ABsorbs should help with standing in the barrier to gain the shield needed to soak, but i think you confused the two unless i'm still reading wrong.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Nephani View Post
    I'm not sure i understand what you're referring to then, the 1.5m unmitigated damage is from the impact of the falling energy ball, its all one big instant damage from one source, not the damage over time from standing in the barrier. ABsorbs should help with standing in the barrier to gain the shield needed to soak, but i think you confused the two unless i'm still reading wrong.
    I didn't see the part about the 1.5m later in the post. I was briefly reading most of that information on my phone and was under the impression the only damage was from standing in Caustic Energy thereby taking ticking damage per second. However, I think you are thinking 2 abilities are the same.

    There is the Causitc Energy damage (which is what I'm referring to) and then there is Overflowing Energy Bombs, which you appear to be referring to.

  6. #26
    Grand Cocuntspirator of the Order XLIX Nephani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum View Post
    I didn't see the part about the 1.5m later in the post. I was briefly reading most of that information on my phone and was under the impression the only damage was from standing in Caustic Energy thereby taking ticking damage per second.
    The sentence you quoted was specifically about the overflowing energy bombs that drop, "In this case, standing inside Overflowing Energy deals around 1.5 million damage to that individual and IS NOT REDUCED BY IMMUNITIES OR DAMAGE REDUCTIONS." which is why I was confused.

  7. #27


    That's totally my bad. Like I said most of that was done from my phone. I was having computer issues and was rebooting etc. I'll go back and edit the post to clear up any confusion. Thanks for catching that.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Kulldam View Post
    Since the weapons are thrown out at a known time (100 energy on Phemos) and they are thrown based on his position and facing, the flames can largely be avoided by moving the boss into a cubby in the room prior to 100 energy and facing him parallel to the wall (his left or ride side against the wall essentially).
    I was watching a stream today and from what I saw the weapons on live are thrown to random locations around the room, instead of right in front and behind him.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Rhokdelar View Post
    I was watching a stream today and from what I saw the weapons on live are thrown to random locations around the room, instead of right in front and behind him.
    Ah good to know, thanks for the info Rhok.

    It makes sense that that would be something they changed, since virtually everyone I saw doing the fight from beta footage was using that cornering technique.

  10. #30


    Posting this for posterity. We may have zero trouble with Twins.

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