Potentially worth using?
Potentially worth using?
Beastlord Darmac
This encounter is a positionally static fight for the most part, with most of the raid standing relatively still throughout. Instead, the focus is primarily on dealing with Darmac and numerous adds as he rides the three various Prime Beasts, each granting him additional abilities from that point on in the fight.
As a fun decision point, the raid can actively decide the order of Prime Beast activation, adding a small bit of strategic depth to the encounter (though how much of a choice that really is looks to be debatable).
Darmac's Abilities
Throughout the entire fight, Darmac will very frequently call forth a pack of ~6 Lesser Beasts via Call the Pack from one particular location in the room, which have relatively low health and standard threat.
Solution: @Tanks should pick these up immediately, while most @DPS should AE/cleave them down fairly quickly. In fact, @DPS as a whole should largely focus on AE builds for this entire encounter.
Pin Down targets random DPS (ranged only?) and throws a spear at their location. If impacted by the Spear itself, that player will be stuck and stunned in place until the Spear is destroyed.
Solution: Ranged DPS should spread around the room in a semi-circle to limit unnecessary movement. Additionally, targeted players should move out of the Spear impact area before it hits, but if a player is Pinned, a few ranged DPS should break them free.
Spears that do not have a Pinned player underneath should also be killed, but a slower pace with DoTs and the like is acceptable.
Mountaing Prime Beasts
As Darmac loses health, he will mount the nearest reamaining Prime Beast at 85, 65, and 45% health, respectively.
Each of the (3) Prime beasts have unique abilities they will add to the fight from that point onward.
Prime Beast: Cruelfang
Rend and Tear is the primary mechanic from Cruelfang, and causes Darmac to target a random ranged player, jump to their location, and apply the Rend and Tear DoT, which deals 26,000 Physical damage every 3 seconds over 30 seconds and stacks, as well as causing Rend and Tear to deal 10% additional damage per stack. This ability also hits any players within 7 yards of the target.
After jumping to the random range target, Darmac will leap back to the tank and use Rend and Tear again within 7 yards of the tank location.
Solution: Keep the ranged players spread out 8+ yards, for not only the Pinned Down spears but also these leap attacks. Meanwhile, @Melee should watch for the initial jump out toward a ranged player, and back up a few steps to ensure they are out of that 7-yard range from the tank on the jump back. For @Tanks, to help protect melee it would be best to also back up a few steps during the initial jump out, and only re-position back once the boss has jumped back to the tank location.
Savage Howl is also used by Cruelfang.
Solution: Should be removed via a Soothe ability.
Prime Beast: Ironcrusher
Tantrum is the primary ability from Ironcrusher, which deals about 25,000 Nature damage every second of the 5-second duration to the entire raid.
Solution: Heal the damage; it's a fairly minor amount.
Stampede will also be used frequently, and similar to Rend and Tear from Cruelfang, Stampede targets a random ranged player, charging their location then dealing moderate damage to anyone within 15 yards. Additionally, Stampede also deals damage and knocks back players in melee range at the outset of the cast.
Solution: Notice a trend yet in this fight (or basically all BRF fights it seems)? Ranged must be spread out.
Prime Beast: Dreadwing
Inferno Breath is a breath attack in a random direction that causes heavy fire damage during the cast as well as a stacking DoT for 12,000 Fire damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds.
Additionally, the breath will leave behind remnants of fire on the ground in that area.
Solution: Stay spread out and sidestep the breath quickly.
The original Darmac abilities also have negative synergy with the fire in this phase, in that the Lesser Beast corpses will burn at their death location and the Spears will radiate waves of fire while active.
Solution: Throughout the fight, while unoccupied Spears were not a priority, they should've been killed off over time via DoTs and the like, such that once Dreadwing is active, there aren't too many Fire Spears shooting stuff out. The fire corpses of the Lesser Beasts should just be avoided by slowly moving he boss position as a new pack set dies.
Conflagration is cast on two random players and acts just like the previous incarnations all the way back to General Drakkisath in UBRS.
Solution: Move away from afflicted players.
Prime Beast Priority
Due to the synergy between fire mechanics and the basic Darmac abilities, Dreadwing is certainly the last of the three Prime Beasts that should be activated.
For the other two, it's debatable which is more dangerous. If @Melee and @Tanks in particular are quick to move away when Rend and Tear is used, then ideally Cruelfang should be activated first to retain those abilities the longest. Otherwise if that is an issue, then Ironcrusher can be first, which will trade more overall raid damage early on for less spikey or stacking damage on individuals.
Regardless, tactically very little changes between the two methods.
How to MC
1. Spec MC
2. MC "Furnace Engineer" on pull
3. Spam 5 on cd while targeting designated bomb person (or w/e your keybind is)
4. Spam 4 while 5 is on cd while targeting an enemy (or w/e your keybind is)
5. Tell tanks when MC is about to break (it cannot be MC twice)
6. Rinse repeat for next engineer
Placing this here as a just in case. If nothing else it looks pretty neat. Oregorger stuff.
We only have blood lust listed for Kromog. Since we don't have Gartz, we'll need to know when to Blood lust each fight![]()
Let me take a guess:
Gruul- On the pull
Oregorger- On the pull
Blast Furnace- Start of Phase 3
Hans'gar and Franzok- On the pull
Ka'graz- On the pull
Kromog- As stated
Beastlord Darmac- at 45%
Operator Thogar- On the pull (alternatively, at the 2:10 mark when you have two sets of adds that need to die in 40 seconds)
Iron Maidens- at 25%
Blackand- at 40% (the Start of Phase 3)