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Thread: OpenRaid Events Update

  1. #1

    Default OpenRaid Events Update

    Updated 8/14

    Hellfire Citadel Normal/Heroic
    Schedule: Thursday 8pm-12am EST/5pm-9pm PST
    Progress: We've been clearing 12/13 normal for a while, and will now be splitting raid time between heroic and normal archimonde.
    Required ilvl: 690 (Vox Raiders & Former raiders are exempt from the ilvl requirement)
    Roster needs: Nothing in particular, though players able to swap between roles are always of exceptional value due to the nature of OpenRaid events.

    Here, you can find a video from a typical raid night to get an idea of what these events are like.
    Last edited by Klik; 08-14-2015 at 08:26 PM. Reason: Updated for 6.2

  2. #2


    We'll be needing two tanks tonight, if anyone from Vox has a tank alt/wants to try tanking in a less-than-demanding environment. As described above, this raid starts at our normal time tonight and is for normal mode.

  3. #3


    While tonight I was at a baseball game, I would be interested in coming along. I have a 650~ druid tank. I also have a friend who would potentially be interested in Monk tanking, I believe he is somewhere around 655 Ilevel.

  4. #4


    Apologies for the late notice! These events have been cancelled until HFC, due to a combination of personal commitments. See you in two weeks!

  5. #5


    The initial post has been updated for 6.2.

    • After, but not including, this week, there will only be 1 run (Friday will be a continuation).
    • After, but not including, this week, Friday's raids will be shorted to 150 minutes (down from 4 hours).
    • Loot distribution is, for the moment, handled through personal loot (This may change later in the tier).
    • With the exception of Vox members, who may come in and out of my raid as they please, Friday is open only to characters in attendance on Thursday.

  6. #6


    I didn't know you had a setup for Fridays as well as Thursdays. I will keep an eye out.
    Last edited by Fendo; 06-27-2015 at 02:56 AM.

  7. #7


    I could definitely use some healers tonight (I have one Disc Priest signed up and that's it). We've killed through Gorefiend pluus Zakkuun, so there's lots of normal-mode tier to be had!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Klik View Post
    I could definitely use some healers tonight (I have one Disc Priest signed up and that's it). We've killed through Gorefiend pluus Zakkuun, so there's lots of normal-mode tier to be had!
    That's really all you need buddy.

  9. #9


    The continuation run Friday, 7/17, has been cancelled. See the OpenRaid event message for full details.

  10. #10


    *Fridays have been removed from the schedule
    *Switching from normal to heroic (with some normal archie thrown in there somewhere
    *ilvl req upped to 690 (Vox Raiders & Former raiders excluded)

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