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Thread: There's a 180 for you

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  1. #1

    Default There's a 180 for you

    Flying is back.

    I'm not sure it's as big of a deal, either way, as it's seemed on most forums, but whatever.

  2. #2


    If Blizzard didn't see it as a big deal (e.g. massive spike in unsubs after the no-flying announcement), they wouldn't have reversed course. This is a company that uses content releases as counter programming to other company's actions at the expense of their own player base. (e.g. Holding DS till SW:TOR and releasing 6.2 the same day as the FFXIV expansion when BRF still has life. Admittedly, they desperately need non-raid content)

  3. #3


    I never thought it was a huge deal with all the flight paths available either. But I like have to at least put some time in to earn it.

  4. #4
    Slice of Love Citruss's Avatar
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    It sucks that they couldn't stick to their guns on this one. I liked flying, but using the flight paths really wasn't that bad, they carefully considered and planned Draenor to be a non-flying zone. It's a shame that all that extra work will go to waste.

  5. #5


    Blizzard did not design Draenor to be no-flying. They fully textured things they would have skipped otherwise (as you can see with Aviana's Feather) and the zones were an absolute pain in the ass to get around. (I'm looking at you Spires and Nagrand)

  6. #6
    VI Recruit Kytae's Avatar
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    Well, they gave us the flying feather, so I guess they designed it for flying to some extent anyway.

  7. #7


    After reading angry posts for many months now unhappy due to no flying I am starting to get annoyed when I mount up in draenor after being in flying zones.

  8. #8
    Shocks, Stocks, and Socks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kytae View Post
    Well, they gave us the flying feather, so I guess they designed it for flying to some extent anyway.
    I never got that. Doesn't that require leaving the Garrison? Heck, with summoning, there are people who NEVER leave the garrison.

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