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Gruul - You would still split into 2 groups. No difference at all between 10/20 mans
Oregorger - No difference at all between 10/20mans
Blast Furnace - split into 2 5-mans instead of 2 10-mans. Do you HAVE to have a priest to Mind Control the adds? I didn't think so but not sure.
Hans/Franz - No difference between 10/20 mans
Flamebender - MAYBE 10 mans couldnt handle 4 dogs all focusing a player at once. I'm trying to be lenient towards 20 mans
Kromog - MAYBE 10 mans couldn't handle 3 pillars at once. Again being lenient
Beastlord - No difference at all between 10/20 mans
Thogar - No real difference between 10/20 mans. Less adds probably...again being lenient
Maidens - This is probably the one fight that might be different. There is quite a bit going on in this fight with 1 person soaking the blade dashes, 1 person with ritual, 5 people on the boat, dealing with dispels and penetrating shot, and the sanguine orb thing, etc. BoPs aren't needed but boy do they really help. This is probably the one fight where I would say it might be a lot different with only 10 people as opposed to 20
Blackhand - From what I've seen this fight wouldnt be that much different as a 10 man. Maybe he would have to focus 2 ranged instead of 3.