Originally Posted by
Ion Hazzikostas
Yeah, I'm guessing this question probably eludes specifically to the fixed-size Mythic. I know that was a transition that was very challenging for many former 10-player Heroic guilds; many of them merged or recruited, others have struggled along the way.
I don't know that I would actually agree with the premise that there's a truly massive decline in raiding guilds. There are definitely a number of high profile guilds that have disbanded, but that's something that's happened every expansion, every raiding tier throughout the history of World of Warcraft. I remember when Death and Taxes faltered back in Sunwell, people were saying, 'Wow this is crazy. Death and Taxes is stopping raiding.'
Well, that's always going to be the case. There are always groups that come and go.
Ultimately, the glue that keeps guilds together tend to be a small handful of leaders and officers who invest a tremendous amount of their personal time and energy and as they move on in their lives -- as circumstances change -- it's very common to come to a point where you're just no longer willing to put that time in and that's how guilds break up.
Getting back to the core question, I do feel like changing raiding paradigm was a good idea. It's one of the things that, I think, we're overall satisfied with. I think there's nothing but wins all around, from the flexible structure. 10 to 30 player scaling for Normal and Heroic, having separate lockouts, having then cross-realmable from the start. We've seen tons more participation in those raid sizes.
I think on the other end of the spectrum, for the small percentage of players ultimately that do engage in Mythic raid content, they have gotten a better experience out of the fixed 20-player size. We're able to design encounters that are tuned for a specific raid size, rather than constantly struggling and often failing to balance 10 and 25 and getting them equal. And we're able to explore some different raid mechanics that we otherwise couldn't have. And in a competitive sense, it settles some of the, 'Well who's the real best guild?' or 'What's the real world first, 10 or 25?' there's just one condensed race, one solid lead for that competition to play out in.