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Thread: Hellfire Citadel Notepod

  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum View Post
    Kull I'll be taking CoW tonight for Hellfire Assault. That should hopefully help prevent you going splat as easily. Lifebloom you'll be able to focus more on the others and just let me take care of Kull primarily.
    You do whatever works best for you of course, but as mentioned after our attempt last night, both my deaths were absolutely my fault. I experimented with a different talent build to improve my DPS since there's so much AE, but it lowers my survival and opens me up to more spike damage (as we saw). I won't make that mistake again, so I'll be back to my normal survival next time.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Kulldam View Post
    You do whatever works best for you of course, but as mentioned after our attempt last night, both my deaths were absolutely my fault. I experimented with a different talent build to improve my DPS since there's so much AE, but it lowers my survival and opens me up to more spike damage (as we saw). I won't make that mistake again, so I'll be back to my normal survival next time.
    For sure. Just did some research today and CoW really shines here for tanks so, yay!

  3. #103


    Was watching Paragon Vs. Archimonde kill. I noticed that the shackle torment players got about 30+ yards away from the raid when they went to explode, and the raid group took no damage?
    (This link has a time stamp, watch the weakaura by the stance bar on bottom of the screen.)
    Last edited by Lifebloom; 07-28-2015 at 10:56 PM.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Lifebloom View Post
    Was watching Paragon Vs. Archimonde kill. I noticed that the shackle torment players got about 30+ yards away from the raid when they went to explode, and the raid group took no damage?
    (This link has a time stamp, watch the weakaura by the stance bar on bottom of the screen.)
    It seems obvious that there's something special at 25+ yards. Unfortunately, try as I might looking through our logs, I couldn't find an example from Heroic where I could detect someone was "out of range" of the explosion but still on the top platform and thus avoided the damage. I tried picking a handful of people to scan through (because it's much harder to parse the more names in the list), but even looking through multiple attempts I couldn't find anything.

    I did learn one thing though that maybe some of you knew but I didn't: While you are afflicted with Shackled, you DO NOT take explosion damage from others detonating their chain. You DO take damage from your OWN detonation (and thus all future ones since Shackled is no longer active).

    Anyway, as for the range thing, we can draw one of a few possible conclusions:

    A) The Mythic version behaves somehow differently than Normal/Heroic.


    B) Being 25+ yards from the originating point does in fact prevent damage from applying to others.

    Either way, it'll be interesting to test out.

  5. #105
    The Djentleman Cutsman's Avatar
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    The dungeon journal mentions that in Mythic difficulty only, unleashed torment's range is limited to 25 yards. This is probably because it does 1.2 million damage when the shackle breaks.

  6. #106



  7. #107


    Which boss are we killing after kormrok tonight?

  8. #108
    The Djentleman Cutsman's Avatar
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    After poking around a bit I found some things that may or may not help us with Kormrok.

    I sniped this positioning for the hands from One of Killars' past broadcasts. Sort of interesting to note that they used only 10 players to soak, though it is hard to say whether some players were inadvertently soaking.

    I'm not sure how anyone else feels about the rune soaking but it seemed like it could be done more efficiently. There was one or two rounds where I did not have a cooldown because I used it to push one rune previously, which seemed like a waste in hindsight. One thing I noticed from the Limit kill video is that they used raid markers as a guide for where to push the runes before being pushed again for the last time.

    However, if we have both our rogues, I found another strat which seems fairly easy to execute and uses minimal personal cooldowns. Pretty much, the rogues run in opposite directions in a circle with sprint and push the circle of runes into each other, somewhat similar to how many guilds handled the lightning on Hegara in dragon soul. It looks like the first two empowered runes happen exactly 1:30 apart which would line up perfectly with cloak. The 3rd one happened a minute after the 2nd empowered rune (which wasn't due to enrage, we died before that happened) so they would need help with that, or we could handle it normally. It also seems like paladins with divine shield, speed of light, and maybe hand of freedom could accomplish the same thing. It is worth mentioning that the positioning for the splashes used in that video are different from vodka's or the ones we used (though I'm not sure if it matters if an explosive rune is in the groundslime if cloak/bubble is being used).

    The other thing I think might be a good idea either way is to NOT use immunities/90% reductions on the runes if they are not empowered. In limit's video a holy paladin soaks several using (presumably unglyphed) divine protection, then heals himself up before going to the next one. Regular runes do 300k damage on mythic so it's probably unsafe to soak them with nothing but a 40-50% damage reduction should be enough IMO.
    Last edited by Cutsman; 08-03-2015 at 05:52 PM.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Cutsman View Post
    Regular runes do 300k damage on mythic so it's probably unsafe to soak them with nothing but a 40-50% damage reduction should be enough IMO.
    I soaked several with Sham Rage and Astral Shift (not at the same time) and it was more than enough. Weren't 90% CDs used only to soak runes that were positioned in poopoo?

  10. #110


    I had some time to go through the logs today and came up with the following.

    Over the last week there have been 774 Mythic Kormrok kills publicly record on Warcraftlogs. The average fight length was 4:42, and only 21 of the kills lasted longer than 5:10 (our last attempt).
    Which means we have basically seen the entire fight, all we need to do is clean it up and we win.

    Areas to improve:
    Hand Kill Speed: We had some good phases but overall our average time spend in the hands was on the high side. From what I saw in the logs I think our biggest problem with the hands is inconsistency. So rather than save big dps cooldowns for the hands, I think we need to focus on saving the right ability cooldowns for them. Some examples, over our attempts my Starfall would do about 800k damage during one hand phase and it would be around 60%+ of my damage to them. Now there was a time or two that I was bad and did not have a charge to use. If I pop'd all my cds and the ring my damage to the hands without starfall would be lower than using starfall and no cds. Another easily seen example is with Uluuru, on the one hand phase that Kull specifically remarked about our speed Uluuru did about 4mil damage with Divine Storm + the extra holy damage from it. Now that time he had a nice proc and was able to use 2 buffed up Divine Storms for the hands, and he did 25% of the total damage to the hands. Compare that with the next attempt where he only did 7% of the hand damage without using Divine Storm. (he used it right before they spawned and probably miss timed it because the "Dragging Hands" ability had finished casting ). In the logs I generally saw most people doing good damage to the hands on some casts and then not having the same things up for others. Which is understandable for the first night on the boss.

    Rune Management: Cut's already linked it, but I like the 2 rogue strategy. It doesn't have to be rogues but 2 people with cooldowns run around the circle pushing each rune to the next rune until they meet in the back. This not only allows everyone else to not worry about them, but limits unnecessary movement that can be cause by the runes being pushed to the center around everyone. The 2nd empowered rune phase starts 10sec or so before the boss jumps into the purple pool, depending on how long it takes to soak the runes we might give rune soaks lower priority positions or not have them worry about soaking the last splash.

    Damage to boss: We obviously need to bring dps up a bit in order to kill the boss in a timely manner(32% was our best). But I think most of that will come from being more comfortable with the fight and flow of abilities, and having a full raid always helps. Other than maybe changing the way we handle the runes, my only strategy thought for increasing dps is to tank the boss on the edge of cleared area instead of towards the middle. This would make the hands pass through the boss adding additional cleave damage and also allow the tank to stay in one spot when the Explosive Burst is used with most ranged being already far enough away to not get hit.
    Last edited by Rhokdelar; 08-03-2015 at 03:51 PM.

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