Shadow-Lord Iskar
Please download this addon:
A two-phase encounter that revolves around the possession and management of the Eye of Anzu, which is passed among friendly players using the ExtraActionButton. A useful macro for passing this via mouseover without requiring targeting is:
/target [@mouseover]
/click ExtraActionButton1
As only one player can hold the Eye of Anzu at any given time, yet it is required to cancel out numerous abilities throughout the fight, it will be critical that everyone in the raid handles this effectively and efficiently. It will be very similar to the Transfer Light mechanic for Heroic Sha of Fear, except this will require everyone in the raid to handle it at one time or another (RIP my sanity).
Note: Passing the Eye of Anzu does not interrupt spellcasting nor is it on the GCD, so there is never a reason to delay this passing if the next target is known.
Ground Phase
The fight begins with Iskar in his Grounded phase where we battle him directly. During this period there are (4) abilities to contend with, (2) of which require the passing of the Eye of Anzu.
Fel Chakram is the most common ability and has a 4-second cast time, during which time (3) players are randomly selected from among the (3) standard roles: (1) ranged DPS or (1) healer, (1) melee DPS, and (1) tank. When the cast completes, the boss throws a Chakram that bounces between the (3) selected players before returning to the boss. It deals moderate Fire damage to the entire raid on each bounce, reduced by the distance between the bouncing player and the rest of the raid. It also deals damage to anyone that is not targeted by the Chakram passes through.
Solution: More detail can be found in the positioning section below, but the basic idea is we have 3 raid markers forming a triangle far away from the standard raid positions, each of which represents a particular player role to run toward. Ranged DPS or healers run to the left toward green, the melee DPS run forward toward purple, and the tank runs (to their left) toward red. Once the Chakram throw has occurred, the players can move back into position and proceed with the fight.
Fel Incineration is also cast quite frequently and targets a random ranged player, chasing them with a laser of burning fire and leaving patches on the ground. Note: I am unable to confirm exactly how much damage this effect deals, but it seems that temporarily walking through it isn't deadly at the very least.
Solution: From the standard positions (see below), the targeted ranged player simply runs out of the group toward the right to kite the laser and fire away, and returns to position afterward. If there is no free space to the right, going backwards behind the group is also possible.
Note: It appears that the laser isn't 100% accurate, meaning it probably targets specific "blocks of space" nearby the player rather than following their exact path (for technical reasons I'm sure). This means that sometimes the laser will pass over a position where the targeted player didn't exactly run, thereby forcing the raid to adjust our standard positions during the phase until that particular patch of Fire despawns. This isn't a big deal, we just need to communicate when/if to move positions.
Eye of Anzu Affected Abilities
Phantasmal Winds targets a handful of random raid members and begins to push those players slowly off the ledge (located opposite the raid position). This pushback becomes stronger over time until eventually normal movement or even sprinted movement speed cannot outrun it.
Solution: Receiving the Eye of Anzu will immediately remove the Phantasmal Winds debuff, so obviously this means we must quickly pass the Eye of Anzu around the raid to effectively remove this before anyone is at major risk.
Phantasmal Wounds also targets a handful of random raid members and deals 120k Shadow damage upfront then another 40k Shadow damage every 2 seconds until it is removed or expires (after 60 seconds).
Solution: This can be removed in two ways: A) The afflicted player can be healed above 90% HP (which is certainly the likely method we'll see in Normal and maybe even Heroic), or B) The player can receive the Eye of Anzu, immediately removing the debuff.
Air Phases @ 80%, 55%, and 30% HP
Once the boss reaches 80% HP (or 55% or 30% also) he'll take off toward the edge and be unattackable. Instead he'll summon a series of adds that require additional Eye of Anzu coordination and prioritized DPS to defeat.
Focused Blast is cast a few times in the phase, cast by Iskar himself, which creates a beam of energy targeted toward the current Eye of Anzu holder and splits a massive amount of damage among everyone in the path.
Solution: We must keep the entire raid within a small corridor/line (generally indicated by the pathway on the ground) such that no matter who is holding the Eye during the phase, the Focused Blast will split among most if not all the raid.
Air Phase #1 @ 80%
The boss will summon (1) Corrupted Talonpriest and a handful of Illusionary Outcasts that must all be quickly picked up and tanked.
DPS priority:: Talonpriest first, to ideally kill it before it casts more than one Obliteration.
Phantasmal Obliteration is cast by the Talonpriest which causes (5)? Phantasmal Fel Bombs to be spawned on random players. After 5 seconds if not removed, these bombs explode and deal 120k Fire damage to anyone within 5 yards.
Solution: If a healer is holding the Eye of Anzu, he or she can "see" which of the (5)? bombs is actually a Fel Bomb and the healer can then dispel it, automatically dispelling all other active Bombs in the process.
We will want to have one assigned healer that is in charge of receiving the Eye of Anzu (typically thrown from one assigned tank who had it) when Phantasmal Obliteration is being cast, and this person then has that 5-second window to identify where Fel Bomb is, dispel it, and quickly throw the Eye of Anzu back to the correct follow-up player (usually the previous tank).
Air Phase #2 @ 55%
DPS priority:: Talonpriest > Shadowfel Warden > Outcasts
In addition to the same mobs we saw in the first air phase including the Talonpriest, this time we also get a Shadowfel Warden. Again these must all be quickly picked up and tanked near the raid.
The "Eye of Anzu" tank should be sure to pickup and tank the Warden during this phase (and the last Air phase also) to make his job easier.
Fel Conduit is the new ability this phase, cast by the Warden, which enables the Warden to chain-cast (lulzpun) Fel Chain Lightning dealing 140k Nature damage per cast and jumping among (5) players.
Solution: Fel Conduit can be interrupted by a player holding the Eye of Anzu. In this case, the Eye of Anzu tank will be holding the Eye and can interrupt the cast before handing the Eye off to the predetermined healer to dispel the Fel Bomb from the Talonpriest.
Air Phase #3 @ 30%
DPS priority:: Talonpriest > Shadowfel Warden > Fel Raven > Outcasts
For the final Air Phase we get everything from the previous phase, plus also a Fel Raven.
The "Eye of Anzu Tank" should grab both the Fel Raven and the Shadowfel Warden while the other tank gets the Talonpriest and the smaller Outcasts.
Phantasmal Corruption is cast by the Fel Raven and targets the current tank, causing Phantasmal Nova pulses to deal 75k Fire damage to everyone within 15 yards.
Solution: If the Fel Raven tank is currently holding the Eye of Anzu when the spell is cast, that tank is immune to the application. Therefore, as mentioned above, the idea is to ensure that the Eye of Anzu tank is tanking both the Fel Raven and the Shadowfel Warden. This will allow the tank to be immune to the Corruption cast while also being able to interrupt the Fel Conduit cast of the Warden.
Once the interupt has occurred, the Eye of Anzu tank passes the Eye to the healer for Fel Bomb dispel before the Eye is returned to the Eye of Anzu tank and the process repeats (if necessary).
Eye of Anzu Management
Holding the Eye of Anzu will build up stacking damage taken via Radiance of Anzu. Therefore, it is generally in our best interest to have a single, high damage reduction player be the "default holder" of the Eye when it's not in use/being passed around.
In our case, the default player will be the "Eye of Anzu tank".
This means that when we have completed a series of passes to deal with any given mechanic (such as Winds), we default to passing it back to that assigned tank until the next mechanic comes out that must utilize the Eye.
All healers and DPS in the raid should, similar to Sha of Fear management, get in the habit of "good practice" with the Eye:
- Since the addon linked at the top allows it, ideally we want to be passing the Eye rapidly in alphabetical order to appropriate targets.
- This means that when dealing with something like Winds that afflicts (5) or so random players, if you are among those afflicted, you can look at the alphabetized list and quickly determine which afflicted player is next after your name and start attempting to cast on them (using your mouseover macro or spamming left click on the assist addon above).
- This will ensure that the moment the player ahead of you in the order (that is, the person before you alphabetically that was also afflicted) receives the Eye and he or she throws it to you, you'll near-instantly throw it onto the next afflicted player in the list.
- If done properly, this "preemptive casting" of the Eye will dramatically speed up the process and ensure that mechanics are handled effectively and efficiently.
Ground Phase Positioning

The distances between markers it not so relevant, what is important is the direction and orientation.
The boss is tanked along the central line of the room toward the opposite wall away from the "ledge" where we're tried to push off. The [tank]tanks[/tanks] are stacked facing the boss toward that ledge on the blue marker. All melee are stacked as normal behind the boss around the yellow marker and all ranged DPS and healers are stacked a few yards behind melee at the orange marker.
We also have (3) additional markers forming what looks a bit like a large tree stemming from the boss position: green to the far left, purple to the top, and red to the right. These are the directions/positions that the (3) Fel Chakram targets will run to: When Chakram targets a group of players, the ranged DPS or healer runs to the left toward green, the melee DPS runs forward toward purple, and the tank runs (to their left) toward red.
The markers will be placed far enough out that not everyone will be capable of reaching the marker before the throw occurs, and that's intentional, since the more distance created between the players and the raid, the less damage we'll take. Once the targeted player has been thrown at, they can turn around and return to the standard position.
Lastly, when a random ranged or healer is targeted by Fel Incineration during this phase, he or she should immediately run out of the raid group to the right or backwards until the laser is complete and then return to the raid position. The fire eventually despawns, so we don't need a ton of space for this, but ideally we can keep the left-side path clear for people running out for Chakram.