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Thread: New WoW Expansion Announcement

  1. #1

    Default New WoW Expansion Announcement

    06 Aug 0900 PST :

    I liked some of the comments from this reddit post :

    "I want ... to destroy my shipyard as the first quest of the new expansion"
    "Please, no more orcs." Reply : "Announcing World of Warcraft: Orcs of the Orcs Orcs. Where adventurers will help Thrall do his daily chores while building up rep with Aggra."

  2. #2


    Destroying the garrison & shipyard would be such a cool way to start

  3. #3
    VOTE ME RAID LEADER 2012! Takaoni's Avatar
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    GDIAF Garrison Haters!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    GDIAF Garrison Haters!
    I don't really get all hate for WoD and/or garrisons. I feel like it's likely a bandwagon thing at this point.

    I do concede that I might not be the best person to determine if an Xpac is good or bad though. After the initial leveling rush and newness wears off you won't see me on unless it's a raid day.

    I personally enjoyed the garrison aspect though.

  5. #5


    I want guild housing so bad. Why? Because I want a castle! Tera doesn't necessarily do it right, but they have floating cities for like the top 6 (picked some random number) guilds on the server that everyone sees and it's fully upgradeable in different ways. It's pretty neat.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerro View Post
    I want guild housing so bad. Why? Because I want a castle! Tera doesn't necessarily do it right, but they have floating cities for like the top 6 (picked some random number) guilds on the server that everyone sees and it's fully upgradeable in different ways. It's pretty neat.
    FF14 does an excellent job of this. I would love to see that next expac.
    ^ Sarcasm

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Takaoni View Post
    GDIAF Garrison Haters!
    As long as we're dying in a Garrison fire, it's a win-win for everyone!

  8. #8
    The Djentleman Cutsman's Avatar
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    New leak from a blizzard dev. Everything about this looks 100% legitimate:

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Vikrum View Post
    I don't really get all hate for WoD and/or garrisons. I feel like it's likely a bandwagon thing at this point.
    ask anyone I've interacted with since WoD beta, and they'll tell you I've hated garrisons forever. (This coming from someone who made nearly 3m gold using garrisons and the related professions buildings/sail CDs). From day 1, they've been grindy as fuck, requiring tons of time (when you add up doing them every day) but zero skill/strategy.

    I just don't enjoy parts of the game that are high in the time requirement department but low on the skill requirement department.

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