View Poll Results: Would you attend Vox's casual Normal/Heroic raids (Sun/Mon, 6-9PM PST aka 9-12 EST)?

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  • Yes, and I can attend both Sunday and Monday nights.

    7 53.85%
  • Yes, but I can only attend Sunday night.

    1 7.69%
  • Yes, but I can only attend Monday night.

    0 0%
  • Other (leave a reply to explain your situation).

    5 38.46%
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Thread: Vox Legion Normal/Heroic Raiding

  1. #21


    Thanks Kull, for all you've done. It was great to be able to raid casually with you again in Legion: getting to be in the environment you and your friends create is always enjoyable. I know I am quiet in mumble, but trust me when I say I am Lol'ing most of the raid at everyone's antics and commentary. I guess I'm just trying to say I will miss it all

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Kulldam View Post
    Moreover, since the raid is setup to allow people to come and go as they please (which many do), I definitely don't want to get back into a situation where our success is determined by who shows up on a given night.
    I can completely understand. I noticed the last few weeks got quieter and smaller, it sucks, but it's how WoW goes I suppose. I just want to say thanks for helping me see this content while it was still relevant! I know you took time to make these strats and diagrams that not many people looked at. You are the best!!

    PS I'll be around Hyjal for the time being as I scan for a more EST friendly raid group. Feel free to add me Taylored#1820 I'm still trying to 10+ Mythics and what not!

    Log on for HOTS now Kull!

  3. #23


    Good luck with everything Kull, it was enjoyable playing with you and thanks for having us. Apologies if things didn't go the way anyone wanted it to, but for what it was worth I had a blast enjoying the content we did. Thanks again. GLHF -msdoom

    On a side note, if anyone is still interested in raiding (one to two nights a week), a few of us are looking to continue with a medium sized group of consistent players. Feel free to add me mashanu#1924

  4. #24
    The Djentleman Cutsman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Los Angeles, CA


    Thanks Kull for everything you have done. Atmosphere is a very important component to a raid environment for me, and I've found that the one created through your leadership has consistently been the perfect mix of seriousness and fun/enjoyability. Certainly, it is a model for any raiding that I do in the future.

    With that said, like mash mentioned, a few of the BBYC people are intending to continue on in a similar group, likely after the holidays and ideally moving ahead with full steam when the Nighthold releases mid January. I will send mail to everyone in the coming days but everyone is free to add me if you're interested Cutsman#1465

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